The Passagenwerk or Arcades Project

an unfinished project of German author Walter Benjamin, written between 1927 and 1940

May 1 on the Butte Rouge. New and old catacombs ( Metro ) wine cellars, ancient sites. Street vending. Ghetto The street where newspapers are printed. Lost animals ( the pound ) The slaughter houses Social fortifications. Stroll along vanished town walls ( ancient ) Philip Augustus, Louis XII, Ferme- General and the last fortification, now in the process of being demolished. Gasoline. ( The perfect chauffeur in Paris ) Mirrors. The jireside andthe " Lanterne " The last jiacres Old signs. Conveniences and inconveniences ( tobacco, mailboxes, tickets, poster pillars, and so forth' ) Parisians on Paris. '" Pickup, mome) streetwalker, tart, artiste, and so on. Paris alpine. Developmental and artistic history of the Eiffel Tower. Afternoon in Montmartre. Etiquette for mealtimes. Inoffensive monuments Il faut amuser les enfants. Biography ofa street ( Rue HonoreSaint-, or Rivoli ) Annual fair. Fashion houses The bridges. Doors and windows. Architectures of chance. ( Posters ) Arcades. Hotel Dance hall. The smallest square in Paris. Church windows The parks from Monceau to Buttes- Chaumont. Street of art dealers ( 1, 000 meters of painted canvas) The Sunday of the poorer classes Tea in the Bois. America and Asia in Paris Reassuring advice for museum visits. Lunch hour for dressmakers ' assistants. Fairy( tale motif.) Physiology( theof box) Remarkable history), of the development smallof restaurants. With( SaintSimon-, Liselotte, and other revenants in Versailles.) All sorts of racing. The Sunday of the poorer classes. Staircases, windows, doors, and signboards of Paris. Dance halls o[ different districts Paris alpine. The deujeuner of dressmakers ' assistants. How a firstclass- restaurant comes into being. Aperitif, place, time, varieties Fair. How I drive carmy in Paris Theater fewerwiththan 500 seats. Purveyors( of pleasure) Fashionable teas. Tavern with musical entertainment. 1, 000 meters of modern art Rue( dela Bodie) Great and small labyrinth of Paris Catacombsand Paris translated traduit<>. Underground newspapers Parisian mirrorsfrom, the bistro to Versailles. Types of cocottes: streeiwalken, milmes, call girls deluxe( ) social relations tarts lionesses girlfriend liaison sweetheart artiste Artiste serieuse. Toyshop saddlers harnessmakers hardware store Things of yesteryear likeandthe ; Sacre Ferme 1. N. A walk with the secret agent. Small side alleyin the Passage des Panoramas: service passage withiron ladders on the walls. Visitors ' cards are made immediately; boots immediately cleaned Mosaic thresholds, in the style of the old restaurants in the PalaisRoyal-, lead to a dinerde Paris at five francsso- broad and empty are they, that one cannot believethere is really a restaurant up there. The sametrueis of the entrance to the Petit Casino. There you indeed see a ticket booth and prices ofseats; but you have the feeling that, once through the glass door; you would wind up on the street again instead of in a theater. Many institutes of hygiene For the bicops, hip reducer, gladiators with orthopedic belts Bandages round the white bellies of mannequins In old hairdressing salons, the last womenwith lang hair, undulating permanent" wave," petrifiedcoiffures . If these latter are petrified, the stonework of( the arcade , by contrast, often has the effict of crumbling papiermache-. Ridiculous souvenirs" " and bibelots quite- hideous Odalisques stretchednextout to inkwell; priestesses raise aloft ashtrays like patens. laA Capricieuse"" lingerie toutde genre. Doll mender. Fan factory under the arch Bookshop on the mezzanine: Etreintes secretes, Art aimerd', Affolantes Illusions, Les Insatiables, School of Love, Memoires uned' bonne a toutefaire . In theirmidst , Images d' Epinal. Harlequinbetrothshis daughter. Images Napoleonof\C2\B7. Artillery. Way to heaven and hell, with caption in French and German in( devotional shop on the Rue du Valde Grace English the broad and the narrow way) . Typographies. Visitors ' cards while you wait Evoywhere, as addition to the program, as guest star: stockings . Now lyingnextto some photosnow, in a watchedtavernover, by a girl we( think of the theaterin Montrouge, where, during the day, they hang on the ticket booththat opensonly at evening) Stairway to the Arabic restaurant, Kebab Frequently, handbags petits( sacs) in open cardboard boxes, wrapped in tissue paper. In the building next door, where there is a gateway, almost an arcade : Mme. de Consolis, Maitresse de BalletLecons-, Cours, Numeros . Mme . Zahhna, Cartomanciere. Narrow( alley) behind Hotel de Boulogne, with one window above hairdresser. The girl waiting below and the one looking out of the window. The whole framed by the entryway. Drawing< by Hessel representing the gateway mentioned> This in front of me as( seen from the cafe) and, to the right, the Gate of Saint\C2\AD Denis dedicated to Louis the Great, with couchant weaponslions, , and vague trophies on pyramids. In the arcades , bolder colorsare possible. There arered and green combs. Preserved in the arcades are types of collar studs for which we no longer know the corresponding collars or shirts. Should a shoemakers' shop be neighbor to a confectioners', his display of shoelaces will start to resemble licorice. There{ are many stamp shops whichtheirSouthwith(, American hummingbird stamps on paper stained by damp, remind the visitor from Berlin of childhood and cuckoos ). One could imagine an ideal shopin an ideal arcade a- shop which brings together all mitiers, whichdollis clinic and orthopedic institute in one, which sells trumpets and shells, birdseed fixativein pans from a photographers' darkroom, ocarinas as umbrella handles .