What is a feminist server?

Because all online resources are hosted on servers, they constitute a base for the internet as we know it. All servers are ruled by different terms of service, governance models and national legislation in relation to privacy and access to data by third actor parties (or "trackers") and are dependent on a variety of business models. This somewhat technical definition can obscure the possibilities for understanding the political aspect behind the setting up and management of a server.

We need feminist servers for the women, queer and trans* people and movements as safe spaces for nourishement, skills-sharing and radical expressions of art and activism.

ref: giswatch feminist autonomous infrastructures

Why we need FOSS+Feminism?

Free and Open Source Software development happens with code contributions within communities. This code is most often technical, but sometimes is about code of conduct, meaning how members shall engage with the community, and code documentation, meaning how other developers and users can interact with the code.

FOSS software is behind most of our daily communication technology (Android OS is built on Linux, Instagram is built with Django - a Python web application, etc). Most importantly FOSS allows the proliferation of autonomous decentralized platforms such as social media (mastodon, pixelfed), forums+discussions (discourse, mailman), video hosting (peertube) secure internet tunnels (openVPN, TOR). However FOSS projects are maintened and developped mostly by (white cis) men. While some communities around FOSS have adapted inclusive language, other are still behind, or worse they are very resistant, such as the GNU community.

Building feminist servers to support safe spaces as playgrounds:


What is so peculiar about the feminist lense regarding the internet

From our experiences as feminist and queer server guardians:

This attitude and solidarity inspire engagement from a diversity of identities, that can challenge the dominant hegemony of the technological infrastructures and tools.

How to navigate the challengies of FOSS monoculture?



From technical documentation to community guidelines

Festivals, workshops, physical spaces

Although cyberfeminists have done a lot to put forward their priorities as a movement to funders, it can be argued that internet freedom funders remain unconvinced of the centrality of gender issues and only see it as an add-on or a subset of the sector.