Open mode was a project by media-artist Maria Karagianni (gr/nl) and composer/sound-artist Sjoerd Leijten (nl).
Their collaboration started off
with an artist in residency at Nadine art lab in Brussels.
Later performer/dancer Janine Brall (d/nl) has joined in.

Reflections on authorship, interpretation and distribution of roles were the motivations of their experiments with different degrees of control and interaction by audience participation. Using solar cells, FM-transmitters, radios, webcams and open-source programming platforms (Python and Supercollider) the collective worked with real time data transmission between different elements of a performance (light, sound, graphics) and looks for collaborative forms of composition.

Open mode participated with the project mix[ing]ridients in the following venus:
Kwikfiets festival August 6 August 2011, Amsterdam.
Opendans festival June 2011, Rotterdam.
Prague Quadrennial'11 Light and Sound design 21 June 2011, Czeck Republc.
Abundance Dance and Choreography Festival July 2010, Karlstad, Sweden.
TEST! festival of theatre and multimedia March 2010, Zagreb.